Monday, July 26, 2010

Breakfast @PaK Lang - Port Dickson

On our way home to KL after the wedding we had breakfast at Pak Lang Kopitiam. The nasi lemak was delicious. We ordered almost one of each item on the menu. We had our stomach full until KL for another wedding at Serendah

Wedding - Grandniece Dr Nini and Dr Nazhar

The akad nikah was held at Zaza Villa on Thursday night and the bersanding was on Friday with the attendance of the YM Negri Sembilan and the Undangs. It went well gracefully. The next day was the High Tea at Mayang Sari in Port Dickson. The bertandang was on Sunday at Serendah. The food was marvellous!!

Monday, July 19, 2010

Family Lunch

We had a family lunch at the D' Putri Anis. Food was a Kelantanese cooking with the Gulai kawah as the main dish. Others include ikan Sembilang bakar, Ayam Percik, Gulai Udang and desserts like tapai goreng, etc.


Friends we have not met for more than 30 years! With this modern IT and FB we managed to tracked some. Hopefully the numbers will grow. Fauziah Saif initiated the move to High Tea among the JB friends. I felt touched and need to give support to this event. Called Roziah Wahab. "Rozi, let's make a trip to JB. Too tiring to drive. Jom cari the first bus to JB and come back the last bus from JB." She agreed! Got the green light from our beloved spouses and JB here we come. Poyah was a wonderful host. Non stopped food from the kitchen!! laughter's over jokes and experiences encountered over the years. There was even blackmailed to ensure Faezah joining us or we shall no longer attend her children's wedding. And it worked! She came with tears of happines.

Friday, July 9, 2010

Schoolmates SIGS (JB)

Nowadays is to get intouch again with school friends. Adlina who now resides in Paris came back for some seminar. To catchup with news Dr Azizah, Roziah Wahab, Masela Ibrahim , Adlina and I met at D' Cengkih for a mini reunion. Talking about school days.....Noraida Kassim (rozi's misssion is to look for her) about Adlina carrying the teacher's bag across the school field with Noraida, Dr Azizah was attending to Mr Perumal as one of her patient and talking about the school play "To Sir with Love". Everyone remembered the play....Talking about everyone career path and not forgetting the episodes in life. Ha..ha.. Congratulations Moinah! Bravo! You make us proud!
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Thursday, July 8, 2010

Ice room part II

Macam Mee maggie goreng dengan sayur. But the presention memang lawa

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Ice Room Port Dickson


On our way home from visiting my brother in law who has been admitted in Hopsital Port Dickson due to some illness. we stopped at this Ice Room for some food. So dissapointed!
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Sunday, July 4, 2010

High Tea - Cosy House

Almost late to have lunch so it became "Low" Tea I decided to treat the whole family at Cosy House, Great Eastern Mall. While waiting for the food to be served my children went to browse at the Toys R Us. I think they went crazy curdling the toys from the Toys Story 3 movie. Mimi mentioned the stuffed toys smells like strawberry! We enjoyed the food at Cosy!

Schoolmates SIGS

I met Moinah after missing more than 5 years. Also met Roziah Wahab. Come on girls we should meet more often. Next gathering in JB 17th????

Gathering - Azlina's condo

We had our mini gathering at Azlina's condo. As usual the food was good and no wastage. Menu : Nasi Briyani, Spaghetti Pedas!, Caramel, Chips with Salsa dip and Apple crumble. Everyone turn up except for my children as they were too tired. (Preparing themselves for the football match with their father). Sometimes we have to meet once in a while to update each other's astivities. Showed Roszam the trip to Cairo/ Alexandria and Umrah. Promoting the Umrah package to him for his next "Rombongan Cik Kiah".