Monday, July 19, 2010


Friends we have not met for more than 30 years! With this modern IT and FB we managed to tracked some. Hopefully the numbers will grow. Fauziah Saif initiated the move to High Tea among the JB friends. I felt touched and need to give support to this event. Called Roziah Wahab. "Rozi, let's make a trip to JB. Too tiring to drive. Jom cari the first bus to JB and come back the last bus from JB." She agreed! Got the green light from our beloved spouses and JB here we come. Poyah was a wonderful host. Non stopped food from the kitchen!! laughter's over jokes and experiences encountered over the years. There was even blackmailed to ensure Faezah joining us or we shall no longer attend her children's wedding. And it worked! She came with tears of happines.

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