Friday, January 28, 2011

Ipad oh Ipad!

Why do I have to subsidized in his Ipad payment. Do I have a choice? He wanted to take his motobike licence. Definitely is a big "NO" from both of us. My husband promised him in compensation he will buy for my youngest son a new handphone and send him to a car driving academy as soon he turns 17. He grumbles and argues that it takes another year for that as his 17th birthday is only in December 2011. Do I have a choice? I cannot be delivering 2 babies in a year right unless they are twins!! OK then....I agreed to subsized his IPAD. He has RM1,100 and I need to top up about RM400 to get his a 16G IPAD. And to top up about another RM900 if it is a 32G. After much negotiations and warning got him the 32 G IPAD!! Pokai!!! In return he has to make sure he does well in his SPM this year!

Banking at KLCC

It has been a long time since I went to KLCC. I am like lost in this magnificient building. All the urgent banking activities and its beurocracy making difficulties towards its client. I have to go to two banks just to make a deposit just because of the limitation in crediting to a third party account! I spent more than 3 hours just to do this transaction.OMG!!

Passed through the centre concourse and snapped some pictures of their Chinese New Year centre piece.

Then went for my Zuhur prayers and wanted to have an overdue lunch at Fish Manhattan. I missed the mussel, the seafood platter etc. The Restaurant was no longer there! So next best choice - La Cucur. Tempting to their Laksa Johor and Teh Tarik! Delicious! Burp!

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Nikah - nephew Shafeek Effendi Razali

All the cousins carrying the 'hantaran'. All the aunties have delegated their duties to the next generation!!!

The bride and groom bersanding tersengih2 at the wife's house....The food was good.

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Reunion SIGS in KL

Finally I managed to organise a reunion which all of us waiting for and naging me for it. And I had successfully done it. We had a friend came back from Paris, friends all the way from JB. Our next reunion shall be in JB. And hope more to join us especially Zoya who wanted to come back from US. Friends whom we have not met more than 40 years....Alinda.... also known as Al.

Thank you all for coming!!!

Tetamu Allah 2010

Umrah 2010 was performed with my mum, sister, brother in law and her two daughters. We started the journey on 7th June until 18th June 2010 with a package tour to Cairo and Alexandra. The whole package costs RM4950 from Asmadi Travel and Tours based in Johor Bharu. It was a very good deal!!

Pushing my mum on a wheel chair along the Safar Marwah lane. We performed most od our solat on the 2nd level which is more airy and not congested.

Met some friend with Azli who worked in Orchid Sarwah Hotel, aband Samad (his staff) and adik2 from University of Jordon

Monday, July 26, 2010

Breakfast @PaK Lang - Port Dickson

On our way home to KL after the wedding we had breakfast at Pak Lang Kopitiam. The nasi lemak was delicious. We ordered almost one of each item on the menu. We had our stomach full until KL for another wedding at Serendah

Wedding - Grandniece Dr Nini and Dr Nazhar

The akad nikah was held at Zaza Villa on Thursday night and the bersanding was on Friday with the attendance of the YM Negri Sembilan and the Undangs. It went well gracefully. The next day was the High Tea at Mayang Sari in Port Dickson. The bertandang was on Sunday at Serendah. The food was marvellous!!