Friday, January 28, 2011

Banking at KLCC

It has been a long time since I went to KLCC. I am like lost in this magnificient building. All the urgent banking activities and its beurocracy making difficulties towards its client. I have to go to two banks just to make a deposit just because of the limitation in crediting to a third party account! I spent more than 3 hours just to do this transaction.OMG!!

Passed through the centre concourse and snapped some pictures of their Chinese New Year centre piece.

Then went for my Zuhur prayers and wanted to have an overdue lunch at Fish Manhattan. I missed the mussel, the seafood platter etc. The Restaurant was no longer there! So next best choice - La Cucur. Tempting to their Laksa Johor and Teh Tarik! Delicious! Burp!

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